26-05-2021, 03:33 PM
Vale, perdona, la linea 28 también hay que substituirla por esta:
$result3 = mysql_query('select vc.*,t.color as color,c.alias from ventadir_comg vc,complementog c,tipo_comg t where t.id_tipo_comg = c.id_tipo_comg and vc.cocina > vc.servido_cocina and vc.id_venta='.$row['id_venta'].' and vc.bloque_cocina = '.$row2['bloque_cocina'].' and vc.id_complementog = c.id_complementog and c.cocina = "Y" and c.panelcocina in (select id_caja from cajas where nombre = "'.$_SESSION['tpv'].'") order by id_linea',$conexion);
$result3 = mysql_query('select vc.*,t.color as color,c.alias from ventadir_comg vc,complementog c,tipo_comg t where t.id_tipo_comg = c.id_tipo_comg and vc.cocina > vc.servido_cocina and vc.id_venta='.$row['id_venta'].' and vc.bloque_cocina = '.$row2['bloque_cocina'].' and vc.id_complementog = c.id_complementog and c.cocina = "Y" and c.panelcocina in (select id_caja from cajas where nombre = "'.$_SESSION['tpv'].'") order by id_linea',$conexion);